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The Hero Dispatch

The Hero Dispatch blog is your go-to source for everything cannabis. Stay up-to-date on the latest cannabis news, learn about the different ways to consume cannabis, and get tips on how to get the most out of your cannabis experience.

Cannabis and Neuroplasticity: How Weed May Rewire Your Brain

When we think about cannabis and the brain, the conversation often revolves around mood, memory, or pain relief. However, emerging research is shed...
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From Mishap to Masterpiece: The Accidental Birth of Rosin

An accident, a new trend, and a leap in technology – these three elements are the perfect recipe for innovation. This was precisely the case with r...

"Thinking for the First Time": How Cannabis Inspired The Beatles

"We're Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, We hope you will enjoy the show" sang The Beatles on their iconic album released in 1967. These words...

The Millennial Takeover: How Pre-Rolls Became the Hottest Cannabis Trend

Millennials, the largest living generation in Canada, are 28-43 years old and known for their digital savviness, wellness-focused lifestyles, and o...

National Strike Hits Canada Post: Here's How It Affects You

Well, it's not like we weren't expecting it. But this one still caught us off guard. On November 15, 2024, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CU...

High-Quality, High-Potency: The Ironclad CBD Standard

Sometimes an active lifestyle can leave us feeling sore and stiff, making it difficult to fully enjoy the activities we love. From hitting the gym ...

Where Mythology Meets Hemp: The Story Behind SevenTails

There are many myths that have captured our imagination and curiosity throughout history. One of these is the legend of the nine-tailed fox, or Kit...

CO2 Extracts: A Game-Changer for Cannabis Concentrates

What happens when you combine one atom of carbon and two atoms of oxygen? You get carbon dioxide (CO2), a naturally occurring gas that has been use...

BudderKing and the Birth of Hydrocarbon Extractions: A Vancouver Legacy

The popularity of concentrates has exploded in recent years, from traditional hash to newer forms like shatter, budder, and live resin. They've bec...

Jazz and Cannabis: A Love Affair Through the Ages

"I see trees of green, red roses too" - the iconic opening line of Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" is instantly recognizable and ingrain...

BC's Cannabis Legacy: A Journey from Underground to Legalization

The legacy of British Columbia's cannabis culture is rich and multifaceted, deeply rooted in activism, compassion, and a progressive approach to ca...

Listen and Learn: The Best Cannabis Podcasts to Stream Right Now

Got a long drive ahead of you? Bored during your daily commute? Looking for some informative and entertaining content to listen to while you relax ...

Caryophyllene: Nature’s Answer to Inflammation and Pain Relief

The terpenes in cannabis play a crucial role in the plant's overall effects and aroma. They modulate the effects of cannabinoids like THC and CBD, ...