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The Hero Dispatch

The Hero Dispatch blog is your go-to source for everything cannabis. Stay up-to-date on the latest cannabis news, learn about the different ways to consume cannabis, and get tips on how to get the most out of your cannabis experience.

Cannabis and Neuroplasticity: How Weed May Rewire Your Brain

When we think about cannabis and the brain, the conversation often revolves around mood, memory, or pain relief. However, emerging research is shed...
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From Morocco to the World: The Evolution of Moroccan Hash

For all the types of hash that exist, Moroccan hash is arguably one of the most well-known and highly sought-after. If you grew up in Quebec in th...

Umpqua CBD Flower: Oregon's Tribute to Ancient Native Wisdom

Deep in the heart of Oregon lies the beautiful Umpqua Valley, a region that has long been home to various Native American tribes. For over 8,000 ye...

Cooking with Cannabis: 10 Simple Recipes Anyone Can Master

Cannabis can be a fun and versatile ingredient to incorporate into your cooking. From sweet treats to savoury dishes, the possibilities are endless...

Vaping, Dabbing, and More: The Many Uses of Cannabis Distillate

We Canadians are a spoiled bunch! Since the legalization of cannabis in 2018, we have been blessed with an abundance of cannabis products to choose...

The Magic of Pinene: From Forest Walks to Cannabis Relief

Ahhh, the smell of fresh pine needles on a crisp, cool day. Memories of a stroll through the forest may come to mind, or perhaps the aroma of your ...

Maximize Your Cannabis High: Tips and Tricks for the Best Buzz

One of the unique aspects of cannabis is its ability to affect everyone differently. While some may find themselves easily overwhelmed by the high...

Ancient Aphrodisiac: How Cannabis Can Enhance Your Love Life

Well, well, well. As if we needed any more reasons to love cannabis, studies are now suggesting that it may have a positive impact on our sex lives...

The ABCs of THC: What Your Parents Didn't Tell You

Your parents may have warned you about the "dangers" of cannabis, but what did they really mean? The truth is, cannabis has over a hundred differen...

The Sweet Side of Cannabis: A Guide to Edibles in Canada

Brownies, gummies, chocolates, oh my! With the legalization of cannabis in Canada, a whole new world of edibles has opened up for consumers. These ...

Star Strains: The Perfect Cannabis for Your Zodiac Sign

Nostradamus, the famous French astrologer and physician, believed that the alignment of planets and stars profoundly impacted our lives and persona...

Handle with Care: Techniques for Maintaining Cannabis Terpenes

Ahhh. The wonderful smell and taste of cannabis. A complex and diverse aroma that can range from fruity and sweet to earthy and spicy, all thanks ...

Avoiding the Icarus Effect: Tips for a Balanced Cannabis Experience

The story of the boy who flew too close to the sun is one that has been passed down for generations. Icarus, the young and ambitious son of Daedal...